Friday, May 7, 2010

To Blog or not to Blog? That is the Question.

It is May and this blog is almost due for assessment. This poses the question – to continue or not to continue – to blog or not to blog?

I saw this video recently.

With so much data being thrown, haphazardly, onto the web each day, it would be naive to think that this simple blog would be noticed. It would be easy to allow this blog to die a slow internet death and rest in a cyber cemetery. I do enjoy blogging. I actually have several (yet another shameless plug for But this blog was, in all respects, just for the purpose of passing Explorations in Journalism.

Yet, I’ve grown to love it.

Okay, the running I hate. But the blogging about my running tribulations keeps me motivated.

My reasons for wanting to run the marathon have changed over the last number of weeks. I wanted to impress the Scot, I wanted to have a subject for my blog, I wanted to do something that would make me look good. But now, I want to do it (in the words of Gemma Hayes) “To see what I am made of”.

So yes, I will continue to run. I will also continue to blog.

Thank you to those who followed my blog until now, I hope you will continue to read it over the next year.

To everyone else – I will see you at the start line. Because, being honest, the finishing line is still just a tad ambitious.

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